Thursday, September 23, 2010

Amazing constructions

  Dancing House

Dancing House

Here’s a building that should really get your attention when walking pass it. The Dancing House is considered as one of the more real controversial buildings in Prague. The Dancing House was actually designed by a great architect from California, which only proves that he had done some type of hallucinogen while designing it.

 Robot Building

Robot Building

The Bank of Asia is a very famous building in Bangkok. It was made way back in 1985, and it’s robotic appearance is just a symbol of the modernization of banking. It also has the ability to transform into a mega-robot.

Ripley’s Building

Ripleys Building

If you saw this picture for the first time, you’d probably thought that it was hit by a massive earthquake. But it wasn’t. In true fashion of the Ripley Legacy, it was built to reflect the odd 1812 earthquake that measured 8.0 on the rick. The building has now become one of the most photographed in the world because of it.

The Wilson Hall

Wilson Hall

This somewhat modernize building was actually built between 1971 and 1974. It’s unique design gives the Wilson Hall a great sense of structure, and a prominent landmark for the skyline. The building provides big laboratories, offices, and supports space for over 1500 scientists.


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